101 Songs For Easy Guitar 8 - zpěv/akordy
Hudební styl: | populární • rocková hudba |
Hudební úprava: | zpěv / akordy |
Obsazení: | solo |
Text skladeb: | anglicky |
Provedení: | kniha - měkká vazba |
Série: | 101 Songs For Easy Guitar |
Kód zboží: | AM997447 |
Skladatel: | více různých skladatelů |
Počet skladeb: | 101 |
Počet stran: | 248 |
Formát: | 23 x 30 cm |
EAN: | 9781849380874 |
ISBN: | 978-1-84938-087-4 |
Hmotnost: | 0.892 |
Seznam skladeb (101)
- A New England [Bragg, Billy]
- A Rainy Night In Soho [The Pogues]
- Adia [Mclachlan, Sarah]
- Ain't No Sunshine [Withers, Bill]
- Alphabet St. [Prince]
- Beautiful Noise [Diamond, Neil]
- Beggin' [Valli, Frankie] [The Four Seasons]
- Bird On The Wire [Cohen, Leonard]
- Broken Strings [Morrison, James] [Furtado, Nelly]
- Call Me The Breeze [Cale, J.J.]
- Can't Help Falling In Love [Presley, Elvis]
- Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa [Vampire Weekend]
- Chasing Cars [Snow Patrol]
- Chelsea Morning [Mitchell, Joni]
- Could You Be Loved [Marley, Bob] [The Wailers]
- Cuts Like A Knife [Adams, Bryan]
- Daydream [The Lovin' Spoonful]
- Dear Mr. Fantasy [Traffic]
- Distant Sun [Crowded House]
- Do It Again [Steely Dan]
- Dolphins, The [Neil, Fred]
- Don't Stop Believin' [Journey]
- Don't Worry Baby [The Beach Boys]
- Downtown Train [Waits, Tom]
- Dude (Looks Like A Lady) [Aerosmith]
- Even Flow [Pearl Jam]
- Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic [The Police]
- Everywhere [Fleetwood Mac]
- Expecting To Fly [Young, Neil]
- Flowers On The Wall [The Statler Brothers]
- Games People Play [South, Joe]
- Get Rhythm [Cash, Johnny]
- Gimme All Your Lovin' [Zz Top]
- Grace [Buckley, Jeff]
- Here Comes The Night [Them]
- Here Comes Your Man [The Pixies]
- Hey, Good Lookin' [Williams, Hank]
- Hi Ho Silver Lining [Beck, Jeff]
- Holidays In The Sun [The Sex Pistols]
- Homeward Bound [Simon & Garfunkel]
- Human [The Killers]
- I Can't Dance [Genesis]
- I Guess That's Why They Call It The Blues [John, Elton]
- I Have A Dream [Abba]
- I'm Sticking With You [The Velvet Underground]
- Jive Talkin' [The Bee Gees]
- Lay, Lady, Lay [Dylan, Bob]
- Let Your Love Flow [The Bellamy Brothers]
- Like A Prayer [Madonna]
- Linger [The Cranberries]
- Little Red Rooster [The Rolling Stones]
- Little Sister [Queens Of The Stone Age]
- Live Forever [Oasis]
- Living In The Past [Jethro Tull]
- Many Shades Of Black [The Raconteurs]
- Matthew & Son [Stevens, Cat]
- May You Never [Martyn, John]
- Midlife Crisis [Faith No More]
- Miss Misery [Smith, Elliott]
- Owner Of A Lonely Heart [Yes]
- Picture This [Blondie]
- Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want [The Smiths]
- Question [The Moody Blues]
- Ride A White Swan [T. Rex]
- Rock 'N' Roll Damnation [Ac/Dc]
- Rock The Casbah [The Clash]
- Rocky Mountain Way [Walsh, Joe]
- Ruby, Don't Take Your Love To Town [Rogers, Kenny] [The First Edition]
- She's Not There [The Zombies / Santana]
- Smile [Allen, Lily]
- Something's Gotten Hold Of My Heart [Pitney, Gene]
- Space Oddity [Bowie, David]
- Stop Your Sobbing [Pretenders]
- Street Life [Music, Roxy]
- Strutter [Kiss]
- Substitute [The Who]
- Sugar Man [Rodriguez]
- Sunny Afternoon [The Kinks]
- Sweet Disposition [The Temper Trap]
- The Lovecats [The Cure]
- The Mercy Seat [Cave, Nick] [The Bad Seeds]
- The Spirit Of Radio [Rush]
- The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine Anymore [The Walker Brothers]
- The Unforgiven [Metallica]
- Time To Pretend [Mgmt]
- Times Like These [Foo Fighters]
- Try A Little Tenderness [Redding, Otis]
- Up Around The Bend [Creedence Clearwater Revival]
- Use Somebody [Kings of Leon]
- Viva La Vida [Coldplay]
- Warwick Avenue [Duffy]
- White Rabbit [Jefferson Airplane]
- Wild Wood [Weller, Paul]
- Wind Of Change [The Scorpions]
- With Or Without You [U2]
- Wonderful Tonight [Clapton, Eric]
- Wonderful World, Beautiful People [Cliff, Jimmy]
- You Can Get It If You Really Want [Dekker, Desmond] [The Aces]
- You Never Can Tell [Berry, Chuck]
- Your Latest Trick [Dire Straits]
- You've Got To Hide Your Love Away [The Beatles]
Popis produktu
101 Songs For Easy Guitar je fantastická série osmi titulů, kde Vám každý jednotlivý sešit nabízí obsáhlou kolekci přesně 101 známých melodií populární hudby v jednoduchém aranžmá pro kytaru. Všechny skladby jsou v úpravě melodická linka s textem a akordové značky. Povedená série titulů, ze které by měli čerpat všichni začínající kytaristé, zajímající se o téměř jakýkoliv žánr populární hudby.