Four Hungarian Dances by Kókai clarinet & piano

Code: 2012
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Genre: classical & sacret
Arrangement: melody / piano
Cast: solo
Format: book
4 hungarian dances - Recruiting Dance, Folk Dance, Mourning Dance, Fresh od Rezso Kókai in clarinet with piano accompaniment arrangement. The title contains piano accompaniment including melodic link… show more
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Product code: 2012
Composer: Kókai, Rezso
No. of songs: 4
Pages: 55
Size: 23 x 30 cm
Weight: 188 g

Songlist (4)

  1. Recruiting dance
  2. Folk dance
  3. Mourning dance
  4. Fresh

Product description

4 hungarian dances - Recruiting Dance, Folk Dance, Mourning Dance, Fresh od Rezso Kókai in clarinet with piano accompaniment arrangement. The title contains piano accompaniment including melodic link in Bb part and individual clarinet part.