AKORDY do kapsy / pro kytaru, mandolínu, banjo, klávesy

Code: HN142840
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Publisher frontman
Genre: instructional books
Format: book
A popular book of chords and basic rhythms in an ideal format (A6) for all beginning guitarists and not only for them. In the workbook you will also find chords for banjo, mandolin and keyboards,… show more
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Product code: HN142840
Pages: 52
Language: Czech
Size: 9 x 15 cm
EAN: HN142840
Weight: 32 g

Product description

A popular book of chords and basic rhythms in an ideal format (A6) for all beginning guitarists and not only for them. In the workbook you will also find chords for banjo, mandolin and keyboards, including the notation of the chord.

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