Boogie 'n' Blues 1 for beginning pianists

Code: 6033
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Genre: jazz, blues, ragtime & swing
music for children, pupils and students
Arrangement: piano
Cast: solo
Difficulty: Beginner
Format: book
Piano students of all ages enjoy playing pieces in the boogie and blues style. Students in their beginning years of piano study can enjoy these bouncy selections which are written in five-finger hand… show more
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Product code: 6033
Composer: Kowalchyk, Gayle
Lancaster, E.L.
No. of songs: 8
Pages: 17
Size: 23 x 30 cm
ISBN: 038081025636
Weight: 78 g

Songlist (8)

  1. Boogie Time
  2. Big City Blues
  3. Doggone Blues
  4. Brown Bag Boogie
  5. Red, White and Blues
  6. Weekend Boogie
  7. Monday Blues
  8. Bright Lights Boogie

Product description

Piano students of all ages enjoy playing pieces in the boogie and blues style. Students in their beginning years of piano study can enjoy these bouncy selections which are written in five-finger hand positions. Each piece is as fun to learn as it is to play.