Coffee & Violin + Audio Online / violin and piano

Code: ED22670D
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Publisher SCHOTT & Co. LTD
Genre: jazz, blues, ragtime & swing
latin music & flamenco
Arrangement: melody / chords
melody / piano
Cast: solo
Format: book + Audio Online
Close your eyes and relax: these pieces are as pleasant and evocative for the listener as a cup of coffee, and they're charming to play too!  show more
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Audio examples

1. Hello and Good Day
2. Café Montmartre (Musette)
3. Latin Coffee

Songlist (18)

  1. Hello and Good Day
  2. Café Montmartre (Musette)
  3. Latin Coffee
  4. Irish Coffee I
  5. Café classique
  6. Café Bourrée
  7. Jigg and Coffee
  8. Tropical Coffee
  9. Black Coffee
  10. Coffee with Bach
View songlist (18)

Product description

Close your eyes and relax: these pieces are as pleasant and evocative for the listener as a cup of coffee, and they're charming to play too!