Já & písnička - songbook for high schools - vocal/chord

Code: 509914
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Publisher G+W s.r.o.
Genre: pop, rock & contemporary
classical & sacret
christmas & holiday
music for music school
music for children, pupils and students
musicals, movies & tv
spirituals, folk, country & traditional
Arrangement: vocal / chords
Cast: solo
Lyrics language: Czech
Format: book - hardcover
Series: Ja a pisnicka
The fifth volume of the popular Czech songbooks Ja & Pisnicka. Most of the songs have Czech lyrics. show more
229 Kč
269 Kč
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Songlist (152)

  1. Banks of the Ohio / Ohio / Náklaďák
  2. Carra barra wirra canna
  3. Deep in the Heart of Texas
  4. Clementine / Klementajn
  5. Doney Gal
  6. Down by the Riverside / Co nevzal říční proud
  7. For He Is a Jolly Good Fellow
  8. Ho ho watanay
  9. Frozen Logger / Zmrzlý dřevorubec
  10. Marching through Georgia / Bílá hvězda Georgia
View songlist (152)

Product description

The fifth volume of the popular Czech songbooks Ja & Pisnicka. Most of the songs have Czech lyrics.