Jakub Jan Ryba - Czech Christmas Mass - score

Code: R312
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Publisher Český rozhlas
Genre: christmas & holiday
Arrangement: score
Cast: band & orchestra
Lyrics language: Czech
Format: score
Series: Czech composer
Jakub Šimon Jan Ryba (1765–1815), without any doubts, belongs to the most famous Czech cantors. Czech Christmas Mass is not only the first complete liturgic work in Czech language but also the… show more
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Songlist (9)

  1. Ad Kyrie (Allegretto) - Hej mistře, vstaň bystře
  2. Ad Gloria (Andante) - Sláva budiž bohu velikému
  3. Ad Evangelium (Allegretto non troppo) - Vzhůru bratři, jenom čerstvě vstávejte
  4. Ad Credo (Moderato) - Pospíchejme k Betlému, místu svatému
  5. Ad Offertorium (Andante molto) - V pokoře poklekněme
  6. Ad Sanctus (Andante molto) - Nebe hlásej "Svatý"
  7. Ad Benedictus (Andante) - Pane země i nebe, my zde chválíme Tebe
  8. Ad Agnus (Andante) - Nyní se do Tvé ochrany poroučíme
  9. Chorus (Allegro) - S radostí, s plesáním, s veselostí

Product description

Jakub Šimon Jan Ryba (1765–1815), without any doubts, belongs to the most famous Czech cantors. Czech Christmas Mass is not only the first complete liturgic work in Czech language but also the most famous composition by J. J. Ryba. Over time, the mass became a symbol of Czech Christmas.
Our edition aims at presenting the composition to a wide audience in a form as close to the original as possible – we took the oldest preserved copy that according to us preserves the Czech Christmas mass in its purest and most impressive way. This edition of Ryba’s Czech Christmas Mass is based on a set of parts in a manuscript preserved in the National Museum – Czech Museum of Music. The most important change to the original is the transposition a whole tone lower of the Ad Kyrie, Ad Gloria, Ad Credo, Ad Offertorium, Ad Sanctus and Ad Benedictus sections so that the mass may be more approachable for amateur ensembles too.
This title was published to the 250th anniversary ofthe birth and 200th aniversary of the death of Jakub Jan Ryba. 

Jakub Jan Ryba (1765-1815) was a Czech composer who worked as a rural teacher in Rožmital pod Třemšín. He wrote more than 1100 compositions of various scales and forms, including approximately thirty masses.