Colourful christmas songs 1 by Milos Nesvadba

Code: GW509570
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Publisher G+W s.r.o.
Genre: christmas & holiday
music for children, pupils and students
Arrangement: vocal (melody + lyrics)
Format: book
Series: Malované písničky
Musical colour-in books with christams pictures by Milos Nesvadba. There are notes and lyrics of folksongs for children and their parents. show more
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Product code: GW509570
Author / Editor: Nesvadba, Miloš
No. of songs: 12
Pages: 27
Size: 15 x 21 cm
Weight: 44 g

Songlist (12)

  1. Veselé vánoční hody
  2. Štědrej večer nastal
  3. Pojďte, chlapci, k nám
  4. Strůmka
  5. Půjdem spolu do Beltéma
  6. Pásli ovce Valaši
  7. Nesem vám noviny
  8. My tři králové
  9. Dej Bůh štěstí tomu domu
  10. Narodil se Ježíšek
View songlist (12)

Product description

Musical colour-in books with christams pictures by Milos Nesvadba. There are notes and lyrics of folksongs for children and their parents.