MINIATURY II - Birds / 10 easy pieces for piano

Publisher | Musica Gioia |
Genre: | music for children, pupils and students |
Arrangement: | piano |
Cast: | solo |
Format: | book |
Series: |
Czech composer
Miniatury |
Product code: | MG0003 |
Composer: | Douša, Eduard |
No. of songs: | 10 |
Pages: | 17 |
Size: | 23 x 23 cm |
EAN: | 9790706547022 |
ISMN: | 979-0-706547-02-2 |
Weight: | 88 g |
Audio examples
Songlist (10)
- Vrabčáci - čtveráci / Sparrows - jokers
- Straky tancují / Magpies are dancing
- Hladový prapták... / Hungry primaeval bird...
- Datel - pracant / Woodpecker - hard worker
- Podmračená vrána / Glum crow
- Vlaštovky se slétají / Swallows are flying down
- Pštros se zamyslel a - běží!... / Ostrich thought hard and - he is running!...
- Kosi nejsou vosy / Blackbirds are not wasps
- Ptáci v podvečer / Birds early in the evening
- Boogie ptáka Loskutáka (aneb Loskutákova dvanáctka) / Bird Loskutak's boogie
Product description
Collection of 10 tiny and easy pieces for piano. For each song is painted colorful picture of a bird, which the song is written about.
Eduard Douša (* August 31, 1951, Prague) is a Czech composer and pedagogue. In 1971 he completed his studies in musicology at Charles University in Prague and continued his education at music theory and composition at the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague. He is a professor at the Prague Conservatory and lectures at the Institute of Musicology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University. In addition to orchestral music, chamber compositions and music for solo instruments, Douša composed music for Czech Radio for more than a hundred radio fairy tales, mini-operas and children's songs.