Modern method for keyboard (in Czech)

Code: EDK617952
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Publisher EDIKA
Genre: music for music school
instructional books
Arrangement: melody / chords
piano / chords
Cast: solo
Lyrics language: Czech
Format: book + Audio Online
Series: Noty do školy
This publication is written in Czech and for more information about it please switch to the Czech version of this page.  show more
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Product code: EDK617952
Author / Editor: Dočkal, Jiří
Pages: 64
Language: Czech
Size: 21 x 27 cm
ISBN: 9788026617952
Weight: 194 g

Audio examples

1. Music sample 1
2. Music sample 2
3. Music sample 3

Product description

This publication is written in Czech and for more information about it please switch to the Czech version of this page.