Popular Songs for the CLASICAL GUITAR

Code: AM963941
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Genre: pop, rock & contemporary
jazz, blues, ragtime & swing
Arrangement: melody
Cast: solo
Format: book
Popular Songs for the Classical Guitar presents 20 ‘evergreens’ of popular music, from jazz classics like A Night In Tunisia to The Beatles’ All My Loving. Each piece is clearly and… show more
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Product code: AM963941
Composer: Various Composers
Arranger: Zaradin, John
No. of songs: 20
Pages: 40
Size: 23 x 30 cm

Songlist (20)

  1. A Night In Tunisia
  2. All My Loving
  3. And I Love Her
  4. Charade
  5. Eleanor Rigby
  6. Falling In Love Again [Hollander, Friederich]
  7. Hawaii Five-o
  8. It's A Raggy Waltz
  9. Killing Me Softly With His Song
  10. Lover Man
View songlist (20)

Product description

Popular Songs for the Classical Guitar presents 20 ‘evergreens’ of popular music, from jazz classics like A Night In Tunisia to The Beatles’ All My Loving. Each piece is clearly and carefully arranged in standard notation, suitable for the intermediate player.