Praminek - songbook for boys and girls (in Czech)

Code: ARCH638195
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Publisher ARCHART
Genre: music for children, pupils and students
Arrangement: vocal / piano
Cast: solo
Lyrics language: Czech
Format: book - paperback
"Pramínek" is a songbook that brings you a collection of 25 original songs for children in kindergarten and younger schoolchildren. The songs in the songbook were written by Jana Strnadová, and when… show more
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Songlist (25)

  1. Pramínek
  2. Pro šikovné jazýčky
  3. Víla
  4. Podzimní
  5. Malovaná písnička
  6. Houpačka
  7. Drak
  8. Polštářek
  9. Klubíčka
  10. Zvědavá kočička
View songlist (25)

Product description

"Pramínek" is a songbook that brings you a collection of 25 original songs for children in kindergarten and younger schoolchildren. The songs in the songbook were written by Jana Strnadová, and when writing the songs, she drew on her many years of pedagogical experience as a kindergarten teacher. The songs are written for singing with piano accompaniment. The lyrics are in Czech.