Little pieces on three staves - Markéta Dvořáková / 11 easy pieces for little pianists

Code: BM093
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Genre: music for children, pupils and students
Arrangement: vocal / piano
Cast: solo
Difficulty: Beginner
Lyrics language: Czech
Format: book
Series: Czech composer
The Little pieces on three staves offers you 11 interesting and original pieces for beginning pianists from Czech composer Markéta Dvořáková (*1977). Each song includes lyrics and picture… show more
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Songlist (11)

  1. Píseň rytíře z Kašperku
  2. Spi už, malá Kočko Lízo
  3. Pozor šnečku, jede vlak
  4. Kobylka v krabičce od sirek
  5. Smutný taneček vílyAmálky
  6. Písnička malého medvídka
  7. Dú Valaši ze sklípku
  8. Severská píseň lodníků
  9. Valčík vznešené vážky
  10. Hop, hop skáče malé ptáče
View songlist (11)

Product description

The Little pieces on three staves offers you 11 interesting and original pieces for beginning pianists from Czech composer Markéta Dvořáková (*1977). Each song includes lyrics and picture that children can color in. All lyrics are in czech language.

Markéta Dvořáková (*1977) is a Czech composer and piano teacher from Opava. She studied composition and piano playing at the Janáček Conservatory in Ostrava and continued her studies at the Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno, where she studied composition. She currently teaches piano at the Primary Music School in Polanka, but she also teaches intonation, rhythm and auditory analysis at the Ostrava Conservatory and music theory and composition, instrumentation and arrangement of compositions and harmony at JAMU at Brno. Dvořáková composes songs mainly for her daughters and pupils at the Primary Music School, but also enjoys writing operas. She wrote "The Giraffe Opera" herself and three other operas in collaboration with composer Ivo Medek. She composes for vocal ensembles of children and adults as well, most often for the female vocal ensemble Notabene, in which she also sings. Her compositional achievements are being highly valued, which substantiates nomination for the Alfred Radok Award in the category Talent of the Year in 2002, or the winning place in OSA Annual Prize in the category the “Most Successful Young Classical Music Author" in 2006. In 2018 she won the international competition Opus ignotum with the adaptation of the folk song Prší, prší for women's choir and in 2021 she won 2nd prize in the Stonavská Barborka composition competition for her cycle "Živůtky" for two female voices.