TAXMENI - songbook - 88 best of songs - lyrics / chords

Code: TZ88
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Publisher ČESKÁ MUZIKA spol. s r.o.
Genre: spirituals, folk, country & traditional
Arrangement: lyrics / chords
Cast: solo
Lyrics language: Czech
Format: book - paperback
Artist: Taxmeni
TAXMENI is czech music group, which plays modern country & western. This songbook contains almost 90 songs from their repertoire in form of lyrics and chords. show more
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Product code: TZ88
No. of songs: 88
Pages: 95
Size: 15 x 21 cm
Weight: 0.136

Songlist (88)

  1. Alamo
  2. Balada o Jed Clampettovi
  3. Baltimore
  4. Betonové hranice
  5. Biggles
  6. Bílá hvězda Georgia
  7. Billy The Kid
  8. Bismarck
  9. Bitva o New Orleans
  10. Blues pro všední den
View songlist (88)

Product description

TAXMENI is czech music group, which plays modern country & western. This songbook contains almost 90 songs from their repertoire in form of lyrics and chords.