Traditional Czech children songs (pictures by Josef Lada) / lyrics

Code: BAM750521
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Publisher BAMBOOK
Genre: music for children, pupils and students
spirituals, folk, country & traditional
Arrangement: lyrics
Cast: solo
Lyrics language: Czech
Format: book - hardcover
Sing with children the most popular and most famous Czech children's folk songs and viewing beautiful illustrations by Josef Lada.  All songs are in the Czech language and only lyrics and… show more
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Product code: BAM750521
No. of songs: 41
Pages: 47
Language: Czech
Size: 22 x 29cm
ISBN: 9788024750521

Songlist (41)

  1. Ach, synku, synku
  2. Andulko šafářova
  3. Až já budu velká
  4. Andulko, mé dítě
  5. Beskyde, Beskyde
  6. Běží liška k Táboru
  7. Černé oči, jděte spát
  8. Červený šátečku
  9. Holka modrooká
  10. Ivánku náš
View songlist (41)

Product description

Sing with children the most popular and most famous Czech children's folk songs and viewing beautiful illustrations by Josef Lada. 
All songs are in the Czech language and only lyrics and pictures.