Tradition of Excellence 1 + Audio Video Online / tenor saxophone
Publisher | Neil A.Kjos Music Company |
Genre: | instructional books |
Arrangement: | melody |
Cast: | solo |
Format: | book + Audio Online |
Series: |
Tradition of Excellence 1
Tradition of Excellence |
Product code: | W61XB |
Author / Editor: |
Pearson, Bruce
Nowlin, Ryan |
Pages: | 48 |
Language: | English |
Size: | 23 x 30 cm |
EAN: | 9780849770586 |
ISBN: | 0-8497-7058-0 |
Weight: | 176 g |
Product description
Tradition of Excellence is a flexible performance-centered band method that seamlessly blends classic and contemporary pedagogy, instrument-specific DVD's, and the cutting-edge interactive practice studio technology. Bruce Pearson and Ryan Nowlin present a systematic comprehensive musicianship curriculum that is second-to-none.