We sing a song 5 - Listen with your ears - lyrics/chord

Code: RN0015
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Publisher Rosa Media s.r.o.
Genre: classical & sacret
music for children, pupils and students
Arrangement: vocal / chords
Cast: solo
Lyrics language: Czech
Format: book
Series: Zpíváme si písničku
Artist: Ztracená kapela
This is the 5th part of this set. All songs come with lyrics and chords. show more
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Product code: RN0015
No. of songs: 23
Pages: 48
Size: 17 x 25 cm
EAN: 9790706518084
Weight: 0.146

Songlist (23)

  1. Advent
  2. Aleluja
  3. Cesta do Betléma
  4. Dary Ducha Svatého
  5. Dvanáctiletý Ježíš
  6. Hvězda jitřní
  7. Hvězdičko má
  8. Melichar a Baltazar
  9. Mikuláš
  10. Nastavte uši
View songlist (23)

Product description

This is the 5th part of this set. All songs come with lyrics and chords.