10 Little Stories for Piano Duet / 1 piano 4 hands

Kod VHR3410
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Wydawnictwo: Holzschuh Musikverlag
styl muzyczny: muzyka dla dzieci, uczniów i studentów
kompozycje instruktażowe
aranżacja : fortepian
obsada: duet
format: książka +CD
"Ten Little Stories for Four Hands" are modern and fresh-sounding pieces for piano for four hands, ranging in difficulty from easy to intermediate. The emphasis is on making music together. Both… pokaż więcej
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pokaz audio

1. Känguru / Kangaroo
2. Marionette / Marionette
3. Krake / Octopus

Spis utworów (10)

  1. Känguru / Kangaroo
  2. Marionette / Marionette
  3. Krake / Octopus
  4. Wolf / Wolf
  5. Zinnsoldat / Tin Soldier
  6. Barke / Rowing Boat
  7. Zirkuspferd / Circus Horse
  8. Hexentanz / Witches Dance
  9. Elefantino / Elefantino
  10. Ferienexpress / Holiday Express

Opis produktu

"Ten Little Stories for Four Hands" are modern and fresh-sounding pieces for piano for four hands, ranging in difficulty from easy to intermediate. The emphasis is on making music together. Both players must therefore master approximately the same playing requirements and can easily alternate between the two parts.
Even the enclosed CD should not replace them. It should only be a useful little aid. It can be used for a quick introduction to all the pieces, but above all for practice. All titles are recorded not only in their entirety, but also as play-along tracks, both in the original tempo and in a moderate practice tempo.

Richard Kristen (*1960) is a Czech composer who has lived in Wiesbaden, Germany since 1986. He graduated from the conservatory in Teplice, worked as a piano teacher in Wiesbaden until 1995 and since 1995 has been a freelance composer who has written many compositions for TV and film.