14 Easy Saxophone Quartets (AAAA or TTTT) / score + parts

Kod DHP1165701
powrót do poprzedniego wyboru
Wydawnictwo: de haske
styl muzyczny: muzyka klasyczna i liturgiczna
jazz, blues, ragtime & swing
ballady i utwory romantyczne
aranżacja : partytura + partie
obsada: kwartet
Stopie: średnio zaawansowany
format: komplet (partytura + partie)
seria: De Haske Saxophone Series
4 Identically Tuned Saxophones De Haske Saxophone Series. The composer Pascal Proust has many years’ experience as a musician and music teacher. His output includes several hundred compositions for… pokaż więcej
34,57 €
+ -

dostawa do 28 dni

Doprava zdarma CZ od 62,55 €

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Spis utworów (14)

  1. Mélancolie
  2. Le roi s'avance
  3. Interlude musical
  4. Balade en forêt
  5. Appel
  6. Sur l'onde
  7. Palais d'éte
  8. Quatre mousquetaires
  9. Cristal
  10. Blue Cocktail
Pokaż spis utworów (14)

Opis produktu

4 Identically Tuned Saxophones De Haske Saxophone Series.
The composer Pascal Proust has many years’ experience as a musician and music teacher. His output includes several hundred compositions for the most diverse instrumentations. He wrote 14 Easy Saxophone Quartets for saxophone players at the level of approximately 2–3 years’ study and paid special attention to an easy-to-follow, attractive musical style. As a result, these quartets are ideal performance or competition works for young saxophone ensembles.