Kod FM522590
powrót do poprzedniego wyboru
Wydawnictwo: FABER MUSIC
styl muzyczny: jazz, blues, ragtime & swing
ballady i utwory romantyczne
aranżacja : fortepian
obsada: solo
Stopie: średnio zaawansowany
bardziej zaawansowany
format: książka
seria: After Hours
After Hours Book 3 is the third in a series of five books by Pam Wedgwood, arranged for the grade 5-6 pianist. Featuring new pieces and original repertoire, what better way to… pokaż więcej
469 Kč
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pokaz audio

1. After Hours

Spis utworów (14)

  1. After Hours
  2. Cunning Mr Fox
  3. Falling
  4. Flinders Street
  5. Forgotten Dreams
  6. Hang-up **ABRSM selected piece (Piano 2019-2020)
  7. Message In A Bottle
  8. Sleep Little Baby
  9. Sliding Doors
  10. Strange Encounter
Pokaż spis utworów (14)

Opis produktu

After Hours Book 3 is the third in a series of five books by Pam Wedgwood, arranged for the grade 5-6 pianist. Featuring new pieces and original repertoire, what better way to relax than to sit down at the piano, chill out and indulge in a little jazz? This wonderful collection groups pieces in a variety of styles, to suit any mood. The perfect way to wind down after a stressful day.