As Long As I'm Singing / SSA* + piano/chords

Kod 00329250
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Wydawnictwo: Hal Leonard Corporation
styl muzyczny: jazz, blues, ragtime & swing
aranżacja : partytura chóralna / fortepian / akordy
obsada: chór
tekst utworów: angielski
format: nuty
seria: Vocal Jazz Series
“As long as I'm singing the world is mighty fine.” That is a message that rings loud and clear for choristers. Here is an up-beat, driving song from the big band era that captures the spirit of song. pokaż więcej
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1. As Long As I´m Singing

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  1. As Long As I´m Singing

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“As long as I'm singing the world is mighty fine.” That is a message that rings loud and clear for choristers. Here is an up-beat, driving song from the big band era that captures the spirit of song.

Bobby Darin (born Walden Robert Cassotto; 1936 – 1973) was an American singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist musician, and actor. He performed jazz, pop, rock and roll, folk, swing, and country music.