BACH: Easy Piano Pieces by J.S.Bach's sons

Kod Z14699
Bestsellery Bestsellery
powrót do poprzedniego wyboru
styl muzyczny: muzyka klasyczna i liturgiczna
aranżacja : fortepian
obsada: solo
Stopie: średnio zaawansowany
format: książka
The four composer-sons of Johann Sebastian Bach were figures of decisive importance in the transitional period between the Baroque and Viennese classicism. Around the middle of the 18th century they… pokaż więcej
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Kod produktu: Z14699
kompozytor: więcej kompozytorów
ilość utworów: 29
ilość stron: 51
rozmiar: 23 x 31 cm
ISMN: 9790080146996
waga: 226 g

pokaz audio

1. Allegro in A (Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann)
2. Allegro in d, Wq 113/11(Bach, Carl…
3. Sonata in B, Op. 5, No. 1 (Bach, Johann…

Spis utworów (29)

  1. Allegro in A (Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann)
  2. Allegro in d, Wq 113/11(Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel)
  3. Sonata in B, Op. 5, No. 1 (Bach, Johann Christian)
  4. Bourrée in h (Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann)
  5. Polonaise in d (Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann)
  6. Sarabande in e (Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann)
  7. Menuett in G (Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann)
  8. Menuett in f, Wq 113/4 (Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel)
  9. Allegro in C, Wq 116/53 (Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel)
  10. La Gause, Wq 117/37 (Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel)
Pokaż spis utworów (29)

Opis produktu

The four composer-sons of Johann Sebastian Bach were figures of decisive importance in the transitional period between the Baroque and Viennese classicism. Around the middle of the 18th century they were influential not only as composers but also as virtuoso players of keyboard instruments in promoting the enormous change in style that took place during those decades. This volume offers a selection of the genres typical of the keyboard works by Bach's sons, thereby also giving students an excellent introduction to Viennese classicism and to the works of Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven. Contains ABRSM Piano Syllabus pieces, Grades 3-6.