Summer Vacation Practice / jazzy pieces for 1 piano 4 hands

Kod BM149
Bestsellery Bestsellery Polecamy Polecamy
powrót do poprzedniego wyboru
styl muzyczny: jazz, blues, ragtime & swing
aranżacja : fortepian
obsada: duet
Stopie: średnio zaawansowany
format: książka + Audio online
seria: Czech composer
Four nice jazzy pieces for four-hand piano, written by Bohuslav Lédl for his piano students.The book includes a link to a website that allows you to download mp3 recordings of the songs to your… pokaż więcej
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pokaz audio

1. Poslední den školy /Last day of school
2. Cestou necestou / The road not the road
3. Prázdninové cvičení /Holiday exercise

Spis utworów (4)

  1. Poslední den školy /Last day of school
  2. Cestou necestou / The road not the road
  3. Prázdninové cvičení /Holiday exercise
  4. Blues letního večera /Summer evening blues

Opis produktu

Four nice jazzy pieces for four-hand piano, written by Bohuslav Lédl for his piano students.The book includes a link to a website that allows you to download mp3 recordings of the songs to your computer and are given there to give an idea of how the songs sound. The recordings were made from the notation program in which the pieces were written.

Bohuslav Lédl (*1968) is a Czech composer, pianist and pedagogue. He studied piano at the Teplice Conservatory and then continued his studies at Charles University in Prague and the J. E. Purkyně Faculty of Education in Ústí nad Labem. Since 2003 he has been the director of the Art & Music School in Turnov, he leads the Antonín Dvořák Choir and plays in the Lédl Jazz Quintet. In his free time he writtes music, not only jazz, but also classical and sacred music.