Czech guitar IV. - Easy pieces for 2 guitars

Kod EK545301
powrót do poprzedniego wyboru
Wydawnictwo: EDITIO KAREZ
styl muzyczny: kompozycje instruktażowe
aranżacja : melodia / akordy
obsada: duet
Stopie: początkujący
średnio zaawansowany
format: książka
seria: Česká kytara
The publication brings you four suites (12 pieces) for two guitars. A suite is a whole made up of pieces that are related and can be played as a complete set or you can choose any piece and play it… pokaż więcej
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Spis utworów (12)

  1. Dětská suita i - Za mostem přes Dunaj
  2. Dětská suita II - Ukolébavka
  3. Veselá suita I
  4. Veselá suita II
  5. Veselá suita III
  6. Zadumaná suita I
  7. Zadumaná suita Ii
  8. Zadumaná suita III
  9. Bibi I - Naštvali jste Bibi
  10. Bibi II - Bibi na bobech
Pokaż spis utworów (12)

Opis produktu

The publication brings you four suites (12 pieces) for two guitars. A suite is a whole made up of pieces that are related and can be played as a complete set or you can choose any piece and play it separately. The pieces are written in standard notation include tablature and chords. Thus, you can play not only a duet, but also a trio, where a third guitar can play the accompaniment according to the chords.

Milada Karez (*1962) to czeska gitarzystka, kompozytorka, aranżerka i nauczycielka gry na gitarze.