Christmas Delights 2 by Martha Mier

Kod ALF21340
powrót do poprzedniego wyboru
styl muzyczny: muzyka świąteczna
aranżacja : fortepian
obsada: solo
Stopie: początkujący
tekst utworów: angielski
format: książka
Book Two in this series contains seven favorite songs and carols arranged for the late-elementary pianist featuring comfortable hands-together arrangements that are easy to learn. The familiar… pokaż więcej
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Spis utworów (7)

  1. Angels We Have Heard on High
  2. God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen
  3. It Came Upon the Midnight Clear
  4. Jingle Bells
  5. O Christmas Tree
  6. O Come, All Ye Fairthful
  7. Sing We Now of Christmas

Opis produktu

Book Two in this series contains seven favorite songs and carols arranged for the late-elementary pianist featuring comfortable hands-together arrangements that are easy to learn. The familiar melodies and musically satisfying arrangements will delight students of all ages.