Easy Concert Pieces 3 + CD / descant (soprano) recorder + piano

Kod ED23162
powrót do poprzedniego wyboru
Wydawnictwo: SCHOTT & Co. LTD
styl muzyczny: jazz, blues, ragtime & swing
muzyka klasyczna i liturgiczna
aranżacja : melodia / fortepian
obsada: solo
Stopie: bardziej zaawansowany
średnio zaawansowany
format: książka +CD
seria: Easy Concert Pieces
The Easy Concert Pieces series has the right pieces ready for the first concerts. Easy to intermediate original compositions and arrangements for descant recorder and piano provide a cross section of… pokaż więcej
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pokaz audio

1. Sonata terza (Tomaso Cecchino)
2. Minuet / Menuett (Luigi Boccherini)
3. Habanera (Georges Bizet)

Spis utworów (21)

  1. Sonata terza (Tomaso Cecchino)
  2. Minuet / Menuett (Luigi Boccherini)
  3. Habanera (Georges Bizet)
  4. Corrente (Girolamo Frescobaldi)
  5. Adagio /from / aus: Sonata No. 2 D minor / d-Moll/ (Johann Christoph Pepusch)
  6. Allegro (from / aus: Sonata A minor / a-Moll/ (Diogenio Bigaglia)
  7. Allegro /from / aus: Sonata C major / C-Dur/ (Jean Baptiste Loeillet)
  8. Tambourin (from / aus: Suite op. 6/4 (Louis de Caix d’Hervelois)
  9. Siciliana /from / aus: Partita No. 2 in G/ (Georg Philipp Telemann)
  10. Aria /from / aus: Partita No. 2 in G/ (Georg Philipp Telemann)
Pokaż spis utworów (21)

Opis produktu

The Easy Concert Pieces series has the right pieces ready for the first concerts. Easy to intermediate original compositions and arrangements for descant recorder and piano provide a cross section of the different epochs, from the Renaissance to the modern era. The enclosed CDs contain all pieces as full versions and as piano accompaniment for playing along.
Volume 3 ultimately contains works which exploit the full tonal range. The pieces, some of which are quite long, allow for a musically differentiated work and encourage the player's own interpretation and expressiveness.