Wydawnictwo: | Hal Leonard Corporation |
styl muzyczny: |
muzyka popularna i rockowa
musicale, kino & film |
aranżacja : |
melodia / akordy
teksty |
obsada: | solo |
tekst utworów: | angielski |
format: | książka |
seria: | Easy Pop Melodies |
Kod produktu: | 00125790 |
kompozytor: | więcej kompozytorów |
ilość utworów: | 50 |
ilość stron: | 63 |
rozmiar: | 23 x 30 cm |
EAN: | 9781480384347 |
waga: | 0.24 |
Spis utworów (50)
- All My Loving [The Beatles]
- Beauty And The Beast [Menken, Alan] [Ashman, Howard]
- Blowin' In The Wind [Dylan, Bob]
- Can You Feel The Love Tonight [John, Elton]
- Can't Help Falling In Love [Presley, Elvis]
- Clocks [Coldplay]
- Daydream Believer [The Monkees]
- Don't Know Why [Harris, Jesse]
- Don't Stop Believin' [Journey]
- Edelweiss [Rodgers, Richard] [Hammerstein, Oscar II]
- Eight Days A Week [The Beatles]
- Every Breath You Take [The Police]
- Fireflies [Owl City]
- Georgia On My Mind [Charles, Ray]
- Hey, Soul Sister [Train]
- Hot N Cold [Perry, Katy]
- In My Life [The Beatles]
- Isn't She Lovely [Wonder, Stevie]
- The Letter [The Box Tops]
- Like A Virgin [Madonna]
- The Look Of Love [Bacharach, Burt] [David, Hal]
- Love Me Tender [Presley, Elvis]
- Love Story [Swift, Taylor]
- Mr. Tambourine Man [Dylan, Bob]
- Moon River [Mancini, Henry] [Mercer, Johnny]
- Morning Has Broken [Farjeon, Eleanor] [Traditional]
- My Cherie Amour [Wonder, Stevie]
- My Favorite Things [Rodgers, Richard] [Hammerstein, Oscar II]
- My Girl [Robinson, Smokey] [White, Ronald]
- My Heart Will Go On (Love Theme From 'Titanic') [Horner, James] [Jennings, Will]
- Nights In White Satin [The Moody Blues]
- Nowhere Man [The Beatles]
- Puff The Magic Dragon [Lipton, Leonard] [ Yarrow, Peter]
- Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Head [Bacharach, Burt] [David, Hal]
- Scarborough Fair/Canticle [Simon, Paul] [Garfunkel, Hart]
- Somewhere Out There [Horner, James] [Mann, Barry] [Weil, Cynthia]
- The Sound Of Music [Rodgers, Richard] [Hammerstein, Oscar II]
- Strangers In The Night [Sinatra, Frank]
- Sunshine On My Shoulders [Denver, John]
- Sweet Caroline [Diamond, Neil]
- Till There Was You [The Beatles]
- The Times They Are A-Changin' [Dylan, Bob]
- Tomorrow [Strouse, Charles] [Charnin, Martin]
- Unchained Melody [The Righteous Brothers]
- Viva La Vida [Coldplay]
- We Are The World [Jackson, Michael] [Richie, Lionel]
- What A Wonderful World [Armstrong, Louis]
- Wonderwall [Oasis]
- You Are The Sunshine Of My Life [Wonder, Stevie]
- You've Got A Friend [King, Carole]
Opis produktu
50 najbardziej popularnych przebojów muzyki pop w łatwym opracowaniu na waltornię. Zapis nutowy to linia melodyczna z tekstem i znakami akordów. Zawiera przeboje takie jak All My Loving • Blowin' in the Wind • Clocks • Don't Stop Believin' • Every Breath You Take • Fireflies • Hey, Soul Sister • In My Life • Love Story • My Girl • Nights in White Satin • Sweet Caroline • Unchained Melody • Viva La Vida • What a Wonderful World • You've Got a Friend i wiele więcej ...