First 50 Popular Songs You Should Play on the Piano / easy piano

Kod 00131140
powrót do poprzedniego wyboru
Wydawnictwo: Hal Leonard Corporation
styl muzyczny: muzyka popularna i rockowa
aranżacja : fortepian / akordy
obsada: solo
Stopie: średnio zaawansowany
tekst utworów: angielski
format: książka - oprawa spiralna
seria: First 50 Songs ...
First 50 Popular Songs You Should Play on the Piano is a collection of popular music hits in easy arrangements for beginning and early intermediate pianists. The sheet music is include with song… pokaż więcej
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Spis utworów (50)

  1. Against The Wind
  2. Angel
  3. Autumn Leaves
  4. Bad Moon Rising
  5. Ben
  6. Blackbird
  7. Born Free
  8. Boulevard Of Broken Dreams
  9. Candle In The Wind
  10. Chopsticks
Pokaż spis utworów (50)

Opis produktu

First 50 Popular Songs You Should Play on the Piano is a collection of popular music hits in easy arrangements for beginning and early intermediate pianists. The sheet music is include with song lyrics and chords, making it suitable for keyboard players as well.