Masterwork Classics Duets 1 / 1 piano 4 hands (student and teacher)

Kod ALF40836
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styl muzyczny: muzyka klasyczna i liturgiczna
aranżacja : fortepian
obsada: duet
Stopie: początkujący
format: książka
seria: Masterwork Classics Duets
"Masterwork Classics Duets" is a ten-volume collection of books for four-hand piano. The individual books are graded according to difficulty and bring you a quality selection of carefully chosen four… pokaż więcej
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Spis utworów (16)

  1. Gentle Stream, Op. 62, No. 6 (from Melodious Exercises) Hermann Berens
  2. Funeral for a Bird, Op. 74, No. 1 (from 10 pièces pour cinq touches) César Cui
  3. A Little Waltz (No. 2 from Twelve Duets on Five Notes) Arthur Foote
  4. Quite Contented (No. 7 from Twelve Duets on Five Notes) Arthur Foote
  5. The Contest, Op. 136, No. 3 (from 18 Short Pieces) Cornelius Gurlitt
  6. Good Humor (No. 9 from Teacher and Pupil, Book 1) Joseph Löw
  7. A Bike Ride, Op. 432, No. 5 (from 30 Instructive and Melodious Piano Duets) Arnoldo Sartorio
  8. Springtime Waltz, Op. 432, No. 6 (from 30 Instructive and Melodious Piano Duets) Arnoldo Sartorio
  9. Little and Pert, Op. 996, No. 4 (from Melodious Duets for Teacher and Pupil) Arnoldo Sartorio
  10. Little Cradle Song, Op. 996, No. 6 (from Melodious Duets for Teacher and Pupil) Arnoldo Sartorio
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Opis produktu

"Masterwork Classics Duets" is a ten-volume collection of books for four-hand piano. The individual books are graded according to difficulty and bring you a quality selection of carefully chosen four-hand pieces by well-known and lesser-known composers of the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. The publication also includes a short introduction to the individual composers whose pieces have been selected for the book.