Metelka: The secret garden / modern piano nocturnes

Kod BA11574
Bestsellery Bestsellery Właśnie zakupione Właśnie zakupione
powrót do poprzedniego wyboru
Wydawnictwo: Barenreiter
styl muzyczny: muzyka dla dzieci, uczniów i studentów
kompozycje instruktażowe
aranżacja : fortepian
obsada: solo
Stopie: średnio zaawansowany
bardziej zaawansowany
format: książka + Audio online
seria: Czech composer
The latest album by composer Jakub Metelka (b. 1986) contains fifteen recitals in a simple song form and thus loosely follows the author's successful, technically less demanding piano cycle Malý… pokaż więcej
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pokaz audio

1. Tanec oživlých soch / Dance of the…
2. Křišťálová komnata / The Crystal Chamber
3. Tajemná zahrada / The Secret Garden

Spis utworów (15)

  1. Tanec oživlých soch / Dance of the Animated Statues
  2. Křišťálová komnata / The Crystal Chamber
  3. Tajemná zahrada / The Secret Garden
  4. Bludička / The Wisp
  5. Čarodějnice / The Witch
  6. Jezero / The Lake
  7. Holubice / The Dove
  8. Staré sídlo / The Ancient Manor
  9. Šotek / The Kobold
  10. Panský kočár / The Nobleman's Carriage
Pokaż spis utworów (15)

Opis produktu

The latest album by composer Jakub Metelka (b. 1986) contains fifteen recitals in a simple song form and thus loosely follows the author's successful, technically less demanding piano cycle Malý virtuos. Metelka has imprinted the individual pieces of The Secret Garden with his distinctive melodic style, which is tonally anchored with plenty of colourful and novel harmonies that underline the slightly melancholic and mysterious character of Nocturne's pieces. Andrea Tacheza's playful accompanying illustrations help to bring out their moods.
Although it is not a complete cycle, these fifteen characteristic mood pieces, both in their programmatic titles and in their order, represent a kind of fairy tale story culminating in the magical last piece, The Secret Garden.

Jakub Metelka (* 1986) is a Czech composer, pianist and pedagogue.