MUSICA PER CHITARRA (muzyka na gitarę) to interesująca seria dobrze dobranych i starannie opracowanych utworów na gitarę. Książka zawiera dwa popularne ragtime The Entertainer i Weeping Willow w adaptacji na gitarę napisanej przez amerykańskiego pianistę i dzisiejszego najbardziej znanego kompozytora ragtime Scotta Joplina (1868-1917).
Scott Joplin (1867-1917) was an African-American musician, pianist, and composer, one of the first representatives of ragtime music, who is now known as the King of Ragtime. During his career he wrote more than 100 ragtime and non-ragtime compositions, one ragtime ballet and two operas. His most famous compositions include Maple Leaf Rag, Elite Syncopations and The Entertainer, which even reached number three on the US singles chart in 1974.