Simply Happy ZOO / easy pieces for accordion - solo and duets

Kod LAS631317
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Wydawnictwo: Markéta Laštovičková
styl muzyczny: muzyka dla dzieci, uczniów i studentów
kompozycje instruktażowe
aranżacja : fortepian
obsada: duet
Stopie: średnio zaawansowany
format: książka
Simply Happy ZOO is a collection of nice nad funny pieces for solo accordion and accordion duo, written by Marketa Lastovickova for beginners and early intermediate accordionists. The book contains… pokaż więcej
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Spis utworów (19)

  1. Vítání zvířátek / Welcoming The Animals
  2. Slon na trampolíně / Elephant On a Trampoline
  3. Běžecké závody lenochoda a želvy / Sloth And Tortoise Run a Race
  4. Klokani spěchají na hodinu valčíku / Kangaroos Hurry To a Waltz Class
  5. Nemocný tučňák / Sick Penguin
  6. Tygři utekli z klece / Tigers Escape From Their Cage
  7. Panda čínský domov / Panda And His Chinese Home
  8. Delfín a zaseknuté rádio / Dolphin And a Stuck Radio
  9. Krokodýl a slavnostní otevření restaureace / Crocodile And Restaurant Grand Opening
  10. Hladový medvěd / Hungry Bear
Pokaż spis utworów (19)

Opis produktu

Simply Happy ZOO is a collection of nice nad funny pieces for solo accordion and accordion duo, written by Marketa Lastovickova for beginners and early intermediate accordionists. The book contains 19 small concert pieces with funny stories of animals from the zoo. All the pieces in the book are available in two versions - for solo accordion and for accordion duo. Each piece is enriched with a funny story with an original picture that children can colour in while learning various accordion techniques in a humorous way.

Marketa Lastovickova (*1995) is a Czech accordionist and composer. She started playing the accordion at the age of 5, graduated from the Prague Conservatory and continues her studies at the National Academy of Music in Denmark. She was the first accordionist in history to present her own recital at the 2018 Prague Spring Festival. She has performed at music festivals across Europe, is regularly invited to juries at international competitions and as a teacher of accordion courses. She is also an active composer. She composes mainly for solo accordion, piano, accordion in chamber music, but also for accordion orchestra.