Gounod, Charles

powrót do poprzedniego wyboru
Charles-François Gounod (1818 -1893) was a French composer. He wrote twelve operas, a large amount of church music and many songs and popular small pieces. Today, his best-known works are the operas Faust and Romeo and Juliet, and of his minor compositions, the most famous is his Ave Maria, based on the Prelude in C major by Johann Sebastian Bach.
Bach, Johann Sebastian | Gounod, Charles
partytura chóralna / fortepian
Kod: 22926
23,89 zł w magazynie, do wysyłki
Bach, Johann Sebastian | Gounod, Charles
partytura + partie
komplet (partytura + partie)
Kod: 04490529
325,93 zł w magazynie, do wysyłki