Tenderly by Catherine Rollin / piano solo

Kod ALF36167
powrót do poprzedniego wyboru
styl muzyczny: ballady i utwory romantyczne
kompozycje instruktażowe
aranżacja : fortepian
obsada: solo
Stopie: średnio zaawansowany
format: nuty
This gently flowing solo is aptly named. An excellent study in balancing the right-hand melody over the left-hand accompaniment, it is perfect for developing a lyrical playing style as well. Written… pokaż więcej
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1. Tenderly

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  1. Tenderly

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This gently flowing solo is aptly named. An excellent study in balancing the right-hand melody over the left-hand accompaniment, it is perfect for developing a lyrical playing style as well. Written in D major and 3/4 meter, it is sure to make its way on to many recital programs.

Catherine Rollin is an American composer, piano teacher and active pianist. As a composer, she has written more than 400 compositions primarily for piano. Her music is appreciated for its lyrical melodies and "teachability". Catherine has conducted over 300 workshops and piano master classes throughout the United States, Canada, Japan and Taiwan.