In a Cabaret & Morning Blues + Audio Online / saxophone (Eb/Bb) and piano (+ parts for guitar, bass and drums online)

Kod BM125
Bestsellery Bestsellery Polecamy Polecamy Właśnie zakupione Właśnie zakupione
powrót do poprzedniego wyboru
styl muzyczny: jazz, blues, ragtime & swing
aranżacja : melodia / fortepian
obsada: solo
mały zespół (do 10 muzyków)
Stopie: średnio zaawansowany
format: książka + Audio online
seria: Czech composer
This publication offers you two pleasant jazz compositions - In a Cabaret and Morning Blues, written by Jaroslav Šimíček. The compositions are written in an arrangement for solo saxophone (alto… pokaż więcej
12,47 €
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pokaz audio

1. V kabaretu / In a Cabaret
2. Morning Blues

Spis utworów (2)

  1. V kabaretu / In a Cabaret
  2. Morning Blues

Opis produktu

This publication offers you two pleasant jazz compositions - In a Cabaret and Morning Blues, written by Jaroslav Šimíček. The compositions are written in an arrangement for solo saxophone (alto or tenor ) and piano. Optional parts for rhythm section (guitar, bass guitar or double bass, drums) can be downloaded online.

There is a link in the set that will allow you to download a demo recordinga and a piano accompaniment recordings in mp3 format to your computer. Recordings are made from the notation program in which the songs were written. The audio (demo) files will give you an idea of how the song sounds, the piano accompaniments can be used for practicing the song.

Jaroslav Šimíček (*1962) is a Czech jazz double bass player, composer and arranger. He graduated from the Faculty of Education in Ostrava, majoring in music education and the Czech language. In Ostrava, he also graduated from the People’s Conservatory, majoring in guitar, and was a student of jazz musician and teacher Karel Velebný. Currently he composes for Czech Television, theater and film.