Christmas at the piano (Vianoce pri klavíri) - the most beautiful Slovak carols and songs / easy piano

Kod KOCH003248
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powrót do poprzedniego wyboru
Wydawnictwo: Kochelková Daša
styl muzyczny: muzyka świąteczna
aranżacja : fortepian
obsada: solo
Stopie: początkujący
średnio zaawansowany
format: książka
An original collection of the 19 most beautiful Czech and Slovak Christmas carols and songs. The pieces are written in a colorful and imaginative arrangement and bring pianists new sound and… pokaż więcej
12,47 €
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Kod produktu: KOCH003248
aranżer: Kochelková, Daša
ilość utworów: 19
ilość stron: 28
rozmiar: 21 x 29 cm
ISMN: 9790901003248

Spis utworów (19)

  1. Šťastie, zdravie, pokoj svatý
  2. Štědrý večer nastal
  3. Pásli ovce valaši
  4. Jak jsi krásné Jezuliatko
  5. Sniežik se nám chumelí
  6. Dobrý pastier sa narodil
  7. Pred oknom, za oknom
  8. Búvaj dieťa krásné
  9. Poďme bratia do Betléma
  10. Dobrá novina, šťastná hodina
Pokaż spis utworów (19)

Opis produktu

An original collection of the 19 most beautiful Czech and Slovak Christmas carols and songs. The pieces are written in a colorful and imaginative arrangement and bring pianists new sound and interpretation experiences. You will also find tango or rock and roll carols in the book. The difficulty of each songs varies and the pieces are suitable for both beginners and more experienced pianists.
Carols and Christmas songs were arranged for you by Daša Kochelková and the arrangement is based on her many years of pedagogical and piano experience. All songs are accompanied by nice pictures that pianists can color according to their own imagination.

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