WandaVision! (Choral Medley) / SATB* + piano/chords

Kod 00374959
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Wydawnictwo: Hal Leonard Corporation
styl muzyczny: musicale, kino & film
aranżacja : partytura chóralna / fortepian / akordy
obsada: kwartet
tekst utworów: angielski
format: nuty
Disney & Marvel's Cinematic Universe delivered this highly entertaining (and musical) spin on classic TV sitcoms with the hit Disney + series, “WandaVision”! Now you can sing all of the decades'… pokaż więcej
7,05 €
+ -

dostawa do 28 dni

Doprava zdarma CZ od 62,55 €

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pokaz audio

1. Agatha All Along (from WANDAVISION)

Spis utworów (6)

  1. Agatha All Along (from WANDAVISION)
  2. Let's Keep It Going (from WANDAVISION)
  3. Making It Up As We Go Along (from WANDAVISION)
  4. A Newlywed Couple (from WANDAVISION)
  5. WandaVision! (from WANDAVISION)
  6. We Got Something Cooking (from WANDAVISION)

Opis produktu

Disney & Marvel's Cinematic Universe delivered this highly entertaining (and musical) spin on classic TV sitcoms with the hit Disney + series, “WandaVision”! Now you can sing all of the decades' instantly-classic theme songs with your choir, wrapping up this charming and nostalgic medley with a rousing edition of “Agatha All Along”. This is gonna be a gas!

Robert Lopez, also known as Bobby Lopez (*1975) is an American composer, best known for co-writing the musicals The Book of Mormon and Avenue Q, and for co-writing songs in the animated films Frozen (2013), Frozen II (2019), Coco (2017), and the TV series WandaVision (2021).

Kristen Anderson-Lopez (*1972) is an American composer and lyricist. She is known for co-writing songs for the animated musical film Frozen (2013) and Frozen II (2019), Coco (2017) or the TV series WandaVision (2021).