PÍSNIČKY pro hbité jazýčky

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Publisher Kočí Přemysl
Genre: music for children, pupils and students
Arrangement: vocal / piano
Cast: solo
small ensemble (up to 10 musicians)
Lyrics language: Czech
Format: book
Series: Czech composer
A collection of thirteen cheerful songs with "tongue-in-cheek" lyrics (in Czech) for children's choir or solo singing with piano accompaniment. All the songs in the songbook were written by composer… show more
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Songlist (13)

  1. Píseň jazykolamná
  2. Amálka mávala šálou
  3. Čtvrt věrtele chmele
  4. Kobyla klapala kopyty
  5. Strýc Šusta suší švestky
  6. Od poklopu ku poklopu
  7. Z toho hroch ohluchl
  8. Prchl plch, či neprchl plch?
  9. Dej bundu do bedny, Béd'o!
  10. Julie jí lůj z jelena
View songlist (13)

Product description

A collection of thirteen cheerful songs with "tongue-in-cheek" lyrics (in Czech) for children's choir or solo singing with piano accompaniment. All the songs in the songbook were written by composer and choirmaster Přemysl Kočí (*1953).