VESELÁ ZELENINA .... prostě zdravé písničky

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Publisher Kočí Přemysl
Genre: music for children, pupils and students
Arrangement: vocal / piano
Cast: solo
small ensemble (up to 10 musicians)
Lyrics language: Czech
Format: book
Series: Czech composer
A collection of eleven cheerful songs about vegetables for children's choir or solo singing with piano accompaniment. All songs in the songbook were written by composer and choirmaster Přemysl Kočí (… show more
7,05 €
8,30 €
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Doprava zdarma CZ od 62,55 €

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Songlist (11)

  1. Na zahrádce
  2. Špenát
  3. Dýně
  4. Pórek
  5. Lilek
  6. Kadeřavá kapusta
  7. Kedlubna
  8. Rajčata
  9. Celer
  10. Saláty
View songlist (11)

Product description

A collection of eleven cheerful songs about vegetables for children's choir or solo singing with piano accompaniment. All songs in the songbook were written by composer and choirmaster Přemysl Kočí (* 1953). 
Lyrics songs is in Czech language.