Cohen, Leonard

powrót do poprzedniego wyboru
Leonard Cohen (1934 - 2016) was a Canadian singer-songwriter, musician, poet and novelist. Musically, his first songs are based on folk music, in the seventies the influence of popular music began to appear in his work. Cohen's songs are often emotionally serious and lyrically complex. During his long career, Leonard Cohen has received many awards, including induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, a Grammy Award, and Canada's highest civilian honour, the Order of Canada. Cohen's music has also inspired other songwriters, and his songs have been heard in many films and television series.
Cohen, Leonard
partytura + partie
komplet (partytura + partie)
Kod: 04005402
418,52 zł w magazynie, do wysyłki
Cohen, Leonard
partytura chóralna / a cappella
Kod: 08744412
31,30 zł w magazynie, do wysyłki
Cohen, Leonard
partytura + partie
komplet (partytura + partie)
Kod: 04491001
270,37 zł dostawa do 28 dni
Cohen, Leonard
fortepian / wokal / akordy
Kod: 00313180
220,37 zł dostawa do 28 dni
Cohen, Leonard
fortepian / wokal / akordy
Kod: AM1010174
105,37 zł dostawa do 28 dni